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Gain valuable insights into your emotions and energetic blocks, with recommendations for specific crystals to help clear those obstacles.

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Carnelian: The Confidence Booster

Introducing Carnelian, the Confidence Booster! In the world of crystals, Carnelian shines as a vibrant gemstone that ignites your inner confidence and motivation. Its fiery energy emboldens your spirit, encouraging you to seize the day with unwavering self-assurance.

🌟 Symbolism: Known for its vivid orange and red hues, Carnelian has been cherished throughout history as a symbol of courage and empowerment.

🌍 Common Places Found: Carnelian can be found in various parts of the world, including Brazil, India, and the United States.

🔥 Associated Chakra: Carnelian is closely connected to the Sacral Chakra (2nd Chakra), promoting creativity and emotional balance.

Summary: Wearing Carnelian is like wearing a cloak of confidence. It’s perfect for those seeking an extra boost of courage and a burst of motivation to tackle life’s challenges head-on. Let Carnelian’s fiery spirit empower you to be your most confident self!

6mm & 8mm (Matte) Bead Size